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Clen - Clenbuterol HCl 50mcg/50tabs | Apoxar

Clen - Clenbuterol HCl 50mcg/50tabs | Apoxar


How to Use:


Take 20-120mcg per day. For best results, use for a minimum of 4-6 weeks.

On Cycle Therapy:

Use with Ketotifen to reduce side effects and extend the Clen cycle duration.

Best For:

Powerful fat burning, improving performance, and retaining lean muscle.

Stack With:

Stacks well with T3, Cardarine, and T4.

We offer a FREE CYCLE ADVICE with every paid order. Join our Telegram Group to get a consultation from our professional cycle expert.
Shipping & Orders
  • Canada Post Shipped by Canada Post
    • Priority 2-3 working days - CA$50.00
    • Express 3-4 working days - CA$25.00
  • Free shipping Free shipping on orders over CA$400.00
  • Free cycle advice with every order Free cycle advice with every order
  • Fast & Secure eTransfer Payment Fast & Secure eTransfer Payment
  • Brand:


  • Dosage:

    50 mcg

  • Qty:

    50 tabs

  • Cycle length:

    4 - 6 weeks

  • Active compounds:

    Clenbuterol Hydrochloride

  • On & Post Cycle Therapy:



Clen Clenbuterol Hydrochloride

Classification: Beta-2 Agonist
Structure Non-steroidal
Estrogenic Activity None
Progestational Activity None
Water Retention: None
Aromatization: None
Hepatotoxicity None
Active Half-life: 34 hours
Recommended Dosage:
Men 100-140 mcg/day
Women 80-100mcg/day

Fat Loss Compounds General Info

Most athletes and bodybuilders are aiming for clean gains, vascularity, and muscle definition. The only way to achieve that incredible chiseled look is to get the body fat down as much as possible. At some point, dieting and cardio do not do the job anymore, and those willing to get their body fat ratio lower than 10%-8% are using fat loss agents. The most popular and effective fat loss agent groups are: sympathomimetics - these agents affect the sympathetic nervous system in various ways, and the thyroid group-these agents mimic the thyroid hormones responsible for body temperature, protein, and carbs metabolism, and lipolysis.

Clen General Info

Clenbuterol Hydrochloride is a bronchodilator widely used around the world. It has a good safety record, and it is very effective for the management of asthma.

Clen in Sports

Clenbuterol shows an intense Beta-2 agonist activity. It stimulates beta-receptors and increases the metabolic rate in the body. Body temperature usually rises 0.5-1 degree and is monitored daily during Clen cycles. When the body temperature returns to normal, it is a solid signal that Clen downregulated beta-receptors and the fat loss process stopped. Please note that the fat-burning benefits of Clen only last for two or three weeks (it all depends on a personal response to the drug).
The most common Clen protocol is two weeks on and 2-3 weeks off. The off-time is crucial and allows your body to upregulate the beta-receptors naturally.

Clen Administration

Users are advised to start with moderate dosages of 20-40 mg/day and gradually increase them to the most effective dosages considered 80-120mg/day.
Please note
Because everybody reacts differently to Clen, the max dose should be empirically established. We advise you to start with 20 mcg/day for a couple of days. After two days, increase the dosage to 40mcg/day. In the next four days, you will reach a dosage of 80 mcg/day. At this dosage, you should feel Clen working. Do not worry if your hands are slightly shaking; that should stop in a day.
If your hands are still shaking the next day after your 80mcg Clen intake, please lower the dose by 20 mcg. In this case, your max dose of Clen is 60-80 mcg/day.

Effective Cycles

Two-Week Rotation Rule
Two weeks on two weeks off

Clen Only Cycle
Primary Goal: Weight Loss/Muscle Definition
Level: Beginner
Day 1-3 20mcg/day
Day 4-7 30mcg/day
Day 8-11 40mcg/day
Day 12-14 50mcg/day
14 Days OFF: Beta-receptors natural upregulation
Resume the cycle until you reach your goals

Clen Only Cycle
Primary Goal: Weight Loss/Muscle Definition
Level: Beginner
Day 1-3 20mcg/day
Day 4-7 25mcg/day
Day 8-11 30mcg/day
Day 12-14 35mcg/day
14 Days OFF: Beta-receptors natural upregulation
Resume the cycle until you reach your goals

Clen Only Cycle
Primary Goal: Weight Loss/Muscle Definition
Level: Advanced
Day 1-3 40mcg/day
Day 4-7 70mcg/day
Day 8-11 100mcg/day
Day 12-14 130mcg/day
14 Days OFF: Beta-receptors natural upregulation
Resume the cycle until you reach your goals

Clen Only Cycle
Primary Goal: Weight Loss/Muscle Definition
Level: Advanced
Day 1-3 40mcg/day
Day 4-7 60mcg/day
Day 8-11 80mcg/day
Day 12-14 100mcg/day
14 Days OFF: Beta-receptors natural upregulation
Resume the cycle until you reach your goals
Please note
To avoid that 2-3 weeks break and make the fat loss quicker and more effective, professionals always add Ketotifen to their Clen cycles. Ketotifen addition to your Clen cycle will boost the effectiveness of the Cycle up to 40-50%
Ketotifen Fumarate is an H1-selective antihistamine that also has second-messenger enhancing properties. This safe and non-toxic drug increases the number and the sensitivity of Beta-2 receptors that Clen downregulates. Only the addition of Ketotifen will allow you to use Clen for more extended cycles and reach your goals quicker and more efficiently.

Clen and Ketotifen Cycle
Primary Goal: Weight Loss/Muscle Definition
Level: Advanced
Day 1-3 40mcg/day
Day 4-7 60mcg/day
Day 8-14 80mcg/day
Day 14-28 120mcg/day Ketotifen 2mg/day

Clen and Ketotifen Cycle
Primary Goal: Weight Loss/Muscle Definition
Level: Advanced
Day 1-3 40mcg/day
Day 4-7 60mcg/day
Day 8-14 80mcg/day
Day 14-28 100mcg/day Ketotifen 1mg/day
Clen and Ketotifen cycles are considered more efficient. Quicker and more visible results are achieved because of the Ketotifen addition. Ketotifen allows you to use Clen for longer cycles and raises Clen's bioavailability. With Ketotifen, you will not have to stop Clen after two weeks because your body developed tolerance to it, and fat loss diminishes.

Possible Side Effects

Clenbuterol's possible side effects include sweating, heartbeat, insomnia, high blood pressure, nausea, and trembling. Please note that most of these sides will manifest at the beginning of the Cycle, Day 1-7, and stop in a day or two. Some possible side effects that are temporary are just a reaction of your body to the acceleration of metabolism.

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