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Femara - Letrozole 2.5mg/50tabs | Apoxar

Femara - Letrozole 2.5mg/50tabs | Apoxar


How to Use:


Take 0.5-2.5mg per day.

Best For:

Decreasing bad estrogen levels, boosting testosterone, decreasing water retention, and preventing gynecomastia. Strong agent for on/post cycle therapy.

Stack With:

Essential during Testosterone, Dianabol, Deca, or Halotestin cycles.

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  • Dosage:

    2.5 mg

  • Qty:

    50 tabs

  • Active compounds:



Femara (Letrozole)

Classification: Aromatase Inhibitor
Structure Non-Steroidal
Estrogenic Activity None
Progestational Activity None
Water Retention: None
Aromatization: None
Hepatotoxicity None
Active Half-life: 2 days
Recommended Dosage: 0.5-2.5 mg/day

Aromatase Inhibitors General Info

Aromatase Inhibitors are drugs that block the enzyme aromatase. The aromatase enzyme converts androgens into estrogen.
Examples of Estrogenic activity levels of popular compounds.
Testosterone - Aromatized by the body -Moderate estrogenic activity
Dianabol - Aromatized by the body -Moderate estrogenic activity
Boldenone - Aromatized by the body - Low estrogenic activity
Nandrolone – (Low)Aromatized by the body- Low estrogenic activity
Masterone - Not Aromatized by the body-No estrogenic activity
Winstrol - Not Aromatized by the body-No estrogenic activity
Anavar - Not Aromatized by the body-No estrogenic activity
Anadrol - Not Aromatized by the body-High estrogenic activity

Femara General Info

Femara is a third-generation aromatase inhibitor with a non-steroidal structure. Femara is the newest and the most potent aromatase inhibitor on the market. FDA approves Femara, and it is widely used worldwide to treat postmenopausal women with breast cancer. In most cases, it is prescribed if the treatment with Nolvadex was not successful.

Femara in Sports

Male athletes and bodybuilders use Aromasin to prevent estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention, fat build-up. Femara is considered one of the strongest Ai available on the market. Clinical trials showed that a modest dosage of 0.5 mg produced an astonishing 78% estrogen inhibition.
Please note
Some compounds do not convert to estrogen however have a high level of estrogenic activity. An excellent example of such compound is Oxymetholone. Anti-aromatase compounds Arimidex, Femara, or Aromasin, will not be effective. To avoid the estrogenic side effects, we recommend using anti-estrogens such as Nolvadex and Clomid.

Femara Main Benefits

- It helps to avoid estrogenic gyno
- Lowers estrogen levels
- Blocks estrogen
- Positive effect on testosterone levels

Administration Men

Recommended dosage range 0.5-2.5 mg/day
Male athletes and bodybuilders usually take 1.25 to 2.5 mg/day. In some cases, the 1.25 mg/day dosage every other day (EOD) is sufficient to prevent estrogenic side effects.
Please note
Femara is the most potent aromatase inhibitor on the market, and dosages are user unique. Proper dosages are only decided by blood work. Once you know your estrogen levels, you can raise or lower the Femara dosage accordingly. Please plan your Femara dosage carefully, get your blood work done, and, if possible, seek professional advice.

Possible Side Effects

In many instances, 1.25 mg EOD is sufficient to prevent the possible estrogenic side effects, and higher Femara dosages could lead to a so-called "steroid lethargy."
Steroid Lethargy or Crushed Estrogen
Estrogen plays a vital role in promoting an anabolic state in muscle tissue and the production of growth hormones. Also, it was demonstrated that estrogen increases the concentration of androgen receptors and plays a crucial role in promoting wakefulness. An extreme estrogen suppression might lead to fatigue, also called "steroid lethargy."

Crushed estrogen levels possible side effects:

loss of libido,dehydration,constipation,irritability,crying for no reason,lethargy, loss of appetite,constant fatigue etc.
Less than 10% of users reported gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea or vomiting.

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