Ligandrol LGD-4033
Classification: Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM)
Structure Non-steroidal
Standard Quinolinone-based
Estrogenic Activity None
Progestational Activity None
Water Retention: None
Aromatization: None
Hepatotoxicity Low
Active Half-life: 28-36 hours
Recommended Dosage: 2-20 mg/day
SARMs General Info
Modern SARMs do not have a steroidal origin and have a non-steroidal structure.SARMs are compounds with high anabolic activity (muscle growth) and almost zero androgenic activity.SARMs were designed to replicate the benefits of AAS without prevalent steroids side effects, such as hair loss, acne, prostate hypertrophy in men.SARMs are also very popular among female athletes, mainly because virilization or masculinization is not a concern compared to AAS.
Another significant benefit is lower hepatotoxicity compared to oral AAS.
SARMs have become a trendy alternative to AAS in various sports communities.
Ligandrol General Info
Ligandrol is a second-generation Selective Androgen Receptor (SARM). Ligandrol was created to fix the chronic muscle wasting disease and age-related muscle fatigue. It passes two phases of clinical trials and currently is on phase three of clinical trials to be approved by FDA as a prescription medication.
Ligandrol in Sports
Ligandrol is the strongest available SARM on the market, and it is widely used for physique and performance purposes. Ligandrol became a very popular substitution of AAS for impressive lean mass gains and strength. It can be compared with such AAS as Oxandrolone and Stanozolol. In phase one of clinical trials, the intake of a modest dosage of 1 mg/day for three weeks significantly increased the lean body mass and leg press strength.
Ligandrol is very selective in its action. It activates the AR receptors in muscle and bones tissue, but it is a very weak agonist of AR in prostate tissue.
No wonder why more and more athletes are turning their heads in the SARMs direction. As we can see, Andarine provides the most critical AAS benefits without a negative impact on the prostate and minimal HTPA inhibition.
Ligandrol Main Benefits
Significant gains in muscle mass (confirmed and verified by various info sources)
Substantial strength increase (documented and proven by multiple info sources)
Healing effect on ligaments and joints
Strenght increase of tendon and bones
Ligandrol Administration Men
Recommended dosage range 2-20 mg/day
Recommended cycle length 4-8 weeks
Ligandrol Administration Women
Recommended dosage range 1-10 mg/day
Recommended cycle length 4-8 weeks
Administration General
We strongly recommend tapering up the dosage until a comfortable dosage level is achieved. Please start with the minimum recommended dosage (2 mg/day Men and 1 mg/day for Women) and increase the dosage by +2 mg/day Men and by + 1mg/day for Women every seven days.
Effective Cycles Samples
Ligandrol can be used on its own or stacked with other SARMs.
Ligandrol Only Cycle
Primary Goal: Bulking
Level: Beginner
1 Week 2 mg/day
2 Week 4 mg/day
3 Week 6 mg/day
4 Week 8 mg/day
5 Week 10 mg/day
6 Week 10 mg/day
7 Week 10 mg/day
8 Week 10 mg/day
Ligandrol Only Cycle
Primary Goal: Bulking
Level: Advanced
1 Week 5 mg/day
2 Week 10 mg/day
3 Week 15 mg/day
4 Week 15 mg/day
5 Week 15 mg/day
6 Week 15 mg/day
7 Week 15 mg/day
8 Week 15 mg/day
Ligandrol and Andarine and Cardarine Cycle
Primary Goal: Cutting and Lean Body Mass Increase
1 Week Andarine 25 mg/day Cardarine 20 mg/day Ligandrol 5mg/day
2 Week Andarine 35 mg/day Cardarine 20 mg/day Ligandrol 5mg/day
3 Week Andarine 45 mg/day Cardarine 20 mg/day Ligandrol 5mg/day
4 Week Andarine 45 mg/day Cardarine 20 mg/day Ligandrol 5mg/day
5 Week Andarine 45 mg/day Cardarine 20 mg/day Ligandrol 5mg/day
6 Week Andarine 45 mg/day Cardarine 20 mg/day Ligandrol 5mg/day
7 Week Andarine 45 mg/day Cardarine 20 mg/day Ligandrol 5mg/day
8 Week Andarine 45 mg/day Cardarine 20 mg/day Ligandrol 5mg/day
Possible Side Effects
Ligandrol is considered a well-tolerated SARM. Less than 15% of users reported such side effects as dry mouth and short-term headaches. Once a comfortable dosage level is established, most of these side effects could be avoided. In acute safety studies on Ligandrol, no life-threatening or severe side effects were reported in doses
up to 22 mg/day.
Natural Testosterone Suppression
Ligandrol taken in doses to promote muscle gains is very suppressive of total and free testosterone.It has a strong influence on the HTPA axis as well. Proper use and PCT are highly recommended.
Post Cycle Therapy
The biggest and most dangerous myth about SARMs is that they do not suppress endogenous testosterone production, so Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is unnecessary after SARM s cycles.
Please note that ANY substance that activates any receptors (androgen, progesterone, or estrogen) will cause to some extent a reduction in the endogenous production of sex hormones. Some compounds have a lesser effect, and some are powerful suppressants.
Effective PCT after Ligandrol Cycle
1 Week 10 mg/day Nolvadex
2 Week 10 mg/day Nolvadex
3 Week 10 mg/day Nolvadex
4 Week 10 mg/day Nolvadex
5 Week 10 mg/day Nolvadex
6 Week 10 mg/day Nolvadex