Apoxar Nandrolone Decanoate
Classification: Anabolic Steroid
Androgenic 37
Anabolic 125
Standard Testosterone
Estrogenic Activity Low
Progestational Activity Moderate
Water Retention: High
Aromatization: Low
Hepatotoxicity Low
Active Half-life: 7 days
Recommended Dosage: 200-600 mg/week
Nandrolone Decanoate is a slow-acting ester of anabolic steroid nandrolone. Nandrolone decanoate became a prescription drug in 1962, and since then, its production has been uninterrupted. Deca is FDA approved medication for pre and postoperative lean mass building, weight loss due to disease, osteoporosis, severe trauma, and growth and development retardation cases in children. Deca is in the top 10 most widely used steroids in the world.
Esters General Info
Esters should be a piece of common knowledge for all steroids users. Ester's understanding provides accurate and crucial information about proper dosages and administration timing.
Shorter ester = shorter half-life=more frequent injections=more raw steroids in the mix Longer ester =longer half-life=less injections=less raw steroid in the mix
Esters and Accurate dosage calculation
We all know that accurate dosage is the most crucial part of AAS administration. Nandrolone Decanoate consists of raw steroid nandrolone and decanoate oil that the raw steroid is mixed with.
Both molecules (raw Nandrolone and Decanoate oil) have their molecular weight; that is why once planning your cycles, please note that 100 mg Nandrolone Decanoate equals on average 64 mg of raw Nandrolone
Apoxar Nandrolone Decanoate main Benefits
- Lean muscle gains
- Significant strength increase
- Increases joint lubrication (very often is combined with Winstrol because of this benefit)
- Increases ligaments strength
- Increases endurance
- Shorter rest periods in between sets
- Improvement in explosive exercises
Please note
Apoxar Deca is not a fast muscle builder; however, most gains are lean and kept. Most athletes experience muscle gains at half the rate of the same amount of testosterone.
Apoxar Deca Administration Men
Recommended dosage range 200-600 mg/day
Recommended cycle length 8-12 weeks
Effective Cycles
Apoxar Deca and Dianabol
Beginner Level
Primary Goal: Muscle Size and Strenght Increase
1 Week APO Deca 200 mg
2 Week APO Deca 200 mg
3 Week APO Deca 200 mg Dianabol 10 mg/day
4 Week APO Deca 200 mg Dianabol 10 mg/day
5 Week APO Deca 300 mg Dianabol 10 mg/day
6 Week APO Deca 300 mg Dianabol 15 mg/day
7 Week APO Deca 300 mg Dianabol 15 mg/day
8 Week APO Deca 300 mg Dianabol 15 mg/day
Apoxar Deca and Dianabol
Advanced Level
Primary Goal: Muscle Size and Strenght Increase
1 Week APO Deca 400 mg
2 Week APO Deca 400 mg
3 Week APO Deca 400 mg Dianabol 10 mg/day
4 Week APO Deca 400 mg Dianabol 10 mg/day
5 Week APO Deca 400 mg Dianabol 20 mg/day
6 Week APO Deca 400 mg Dianabol 20 mg/day
7 Week APO Deca 400 mg Dianabol 20 mg/day
8 Week APO Deca 400 mg Dianabol 20 mg/day
9 Week APO Deca 400 mg Dianabol 20 mg/day
10 Week APO Deca 400 mg Dianabol 20 mg/day
Apoxar Deca and Testosterone Enanthate
Beginner Level
Most Fundamental 2-drug combination stack
Primary Goal: Muscle Size and Strenght Increase
1 Week APO Deca 200 mg Test E 200mg
2 Week APO Deca 200 mg Test E 200mg
3 Week APO Deca 200 mg Test E 200mg
4 Week APO Deca 300 mg Test E 300mg
5 Week APO Deca 300 mg Test E 300mg
6 Week APO Deca 300 mg Test E 300mg
7 Week APO Deca 300 mg Test E 300mg
8 Week APO Deca 300 mg Test E 300mg
Possible side effects
Apo Deca is considered a steroid with low estrogenic activity. The conversion rate to estrogen is 20% compared to testosterone.
Higher than recommended dosages could lead to oily skin, acne and aggravate male hair loss, mainly if you have a genetic predisposition.
Apo Deca does not have hepatotoxic effects. Multiple clinical trials showed that Apo Deca does not produce significant changes in liver enzymes levels.
Natural Testosterone Suppression
Most steroids taken in doses to promote muscle gains will suppress endogenous test production.
Apo Deca will substantially suppress endogenous testosterone production. Clinical trials showed that the administration of 300mg/week for six weeks demonstrated a reduction of 70% in serum testosterone levels compared to baseline.
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)
The main goal of PCT is to get your natural Test levels back to normal.
Other advantages of proper PCT are maintaining muscle gains and getting all the body systems back on track.
Before you start the cycle itself, get the supplies for your PCT.
Since Apo Deca is mainly stacked with other steroids, please make sure to get proper on cycle support and PCT according to your cycle compounds and cycle length.