Innovagen is a Canadian domestic laboratory with a strong focus on advanced and experimental smart drugs (with several tried-and-true classic nootropics in the line-up). In case your primary focus lies in cognitive functions enhancement instead of bodybuilding, Innovagen offers unique solutions for a wide range of niche goals in this area.
Innovagen Hydrafinil (9-Hydroxyfluorene) 75mg (60 caps) Wakefulness | Innovagen Clarity, Energy, FocusCA$120.00
1,3-DMAA (Methylhexanamine) 25mg/30tabs | Innovagen Clarity, EnergyCA$70.00
Alpha-Cedrene (α-Cedrene) 250mg/90tabs | Innovagen Energy, Lean Muscle Mass, Rapid Muscle GrowthCA$75.00
MPP (Muscle Relaxant) 200mg/30tabs | Innovagen Muscle RelaxantCA$90.00