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Tri-Tren (Trenbolone Blend) 150mg/mL | NovoPharm


Quick Overview

  • Composition: A potent mix of Trenbolone Acetate, Enanthate, and Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate.

  • Benefits: Offers rapid muscle gains, boosted metabolism for fat loss, enhanced recovery, and significant strength increase.

  • Usage: Recommended at 150-600mg per week for an 8-12 week cycle. Suitable for both cutting and bulking phases.

  • Side Effects: Can include cardiovascular issues, androgenic effects like acne and hair loss, mood swings, and potential testosterone suppression. Proper management and PCT are crucial.

  • Stacking: Effective when combined with other steroids for enhanced results. Always follow with a comprehensive PCT plan.


Tri-Tren is an advanced blend from NovoPharm, featuring a powerful trio of Trenbolone esters:

  • Acetate;
  • Enanthate;
  • and Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate.

This stack is engineered to harness the unmatched anabolic potency of Trenbolone, delivering both rapid and prolonged effects. You get a short ester, a medium one, and a long ester: all for a sustained release.

Whether your goals are bulking up, cutting before the summer, or enhancing overall performance, Tri-Tren offers a flexible solution.


  • Rapid Muscle Gains: Tri-Tren sets the stage for quick bulking. Expect significant muscle development in a short timeframe, usually 2-3 weeks;
  • Enhanced Metabolism: This blend boosts muscle growth, but at the same time — it optimizes fat storage and utilization, providing a lean, muscular build with no puffiness;
  • Quick Recovery: Faster muscle repair and recovery during workouts is a cornerstone benefit, so you can get more frequent and intense lifting sessions;
  • Strength and Performance Enhancement: Noticeable improvements in stamina, endurance, and strength are key outcomes, thanks to Tri-Tren’s sustained action.

Mechanisms of Action

Tri-Tren works by:

  • Increasing nitrogen retention;
  • Boosting IGF-1 levels;
  • Improving nutrient absorption;
  • Enhancing protein synthesis.

These effects, in synergy, contribute to its effectiveness in building muscle, burning fat, and improving performance in all aspects.

Tri-Tren Doses & Cycle

A typical dosage ranges from 150mg to 600mg weekly, over an 8-12 week cycle. Despite the blend of esters ensuring stable blood levels, dividing injections throughout the week is advised to optimize the balance of the hormone's concentration in the bloodstream.

Cycle Recommendations

Tri-Tren's versatility makes it suitable for use alone or in combination with other steroids, such as Testosterone Propionate, for enhanced effects.

Depending on your goals — whether it's cutting or bulking — Tri-Tren can be a powerful component of your cycle.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT):

A structured PCT is critical to restore natural hormone levels and maintain the gains achieved during the cycle. The timing and specifics of PCT will depend on the esters used and any additional compounds in the cycle. You'll need, in almost every case:

  • Cabergoline (to counter high prolactin);
  • HCG (in higher doses).

Also, you'll need a Testosterone base (Enanthate or Propionate, throughout the cycle, to support your T levels).


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